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Describe a person that inspired you to do something interesting

Archived Old Topic

Cue Card

Describe a person that inspired you to do something interesting

You should say:

  • who they were
  • how you know them
  • what interesting thing you did; and
  • explain how they inspired you to do it.

Sample Part 3 Questions

  1. What kind of qualities does a role model have?
  2. Why should children learn from role models?
  3. Who influences children more: teachers or parents?
  4. What kind of news stories inspire people?

Sample Cue Card Answer

My grandmother, or 'Nana' as I called her, was a force to be reckoned with. She was a petite woman with a big personality and an even bigger heart. Growing up, I was always fascinated by her stories of adventure and bravery. She was a nurse during World War II, and her experiences had a profound impact on her life. She would often tell me about the time she spent in the war zone, the people she met, and the lessons she learned. Her stories sparked something within me, and I became determined to make a difference in the world, just like she did.

Nana's influence didn't stop at her stories. She was an avid artist, and her creativity was contagious. She would spend hours painting, drawing, and crafting, and I would sit by her side, watching in awe. She taught me how to paint, and soon I was hooked. I spent hours in her studio, lost in the world of colors and textures. Her passion for art ignited a fire within me, and I began to see the world in a different light. I started to notice the beauty in the smallest things, and my creativity soared.

But what really inspired me to do something interesting was Nana's fearlessness. She was never afraid to take risks and try new things. She would often say, 'Life is too short to play it safe.' Her words stuck with me, and I began to apply them to my own life. I started taking risks, trying new things, and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. I realized that the only way to truly live was to be willing to take the leap, just like Nana did.

Cue Card Answer Key Phrases and Idioms

a force to be reckoned with
a person who is strong and capable, and should be treated with respect
My grandmother was a force to be reckoned with, she could handle anything that came her way.
The new CEO is a force to be reckoned with, she's already making big changes.
sparked something within me
to inspire or motivate someone to do something
The documentary sparked something within me, and I decided to start volunteering.
The book sparked something within her, and she began to pursue her passion.
ignited a fire within me
to inspire or motivate someone to do something, often in a passionate or creative way
The concert ignited a fire within me, and I started playing music again.
The art class ignited a fire within her, and she began to paint every day.
life is too short to play it safe
a phrase that encourages people to take risks and live life to the fullest
My grandmother always said, 'Life is too short to play it safe,' so I decided to quit my job and travel.
He's always saying 'Life is too short to play it safe,' so he's always trying new things.

Sample Part 3 Answers

What kind of qualities does a role model have? A role model is someone who embodies the qualities that we aspire to, and one of the most important qualities they possess is authenticity. They're true to themselves, and they don't pretend to be someone they're not. They're confident in their own skin, and that confidence is infectious. When we see someone being genuine and unapologetic about who they are, it gives us permission to do the same. Another quality of a great role model is their willingness to take risks and step outside their comfort zone. They're not afraid to try new things and make mistakes, and that's something that we can all learn from. By being vulnerable and open to new experiences, they show us that growth and learning are lifelong processes.

Why should children learn from role models? Children should learn from role models because they provide a blueprint for how to navigate the world. When kids see someone they admire making good choices and achieving their goals, it gives them a sense of hope and possibility. Role models show children that they too can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams, and that's a powerful thing. Moreover, role models can help kids develop important life skills like empathy, kindness, and perseverance. By observing how their role models handle challenges and interact with others, children can learn valuable lessons about how to treat others and how to conduct themselves in different situations.

Who influences children more: teachers or parents? While both teachers and parents play a significant role in shaping a child's life, I believe that parents have a more profound influence on children. Parents are their children's first role models, and the relationship they have with them is unlike any other. Children learn from their parents' values, habits, and behaviors from a very young age, and those lessons can stay with them for the rest of their lives. Parents have the opportunity to model the kind of behavior they want their children to adopt, and that's a huge responsibility. Teachers, on the other hand, have a more limited window of influence, but they can still have a profound impact on a child's life. Ultimately, it's the combination of both parental and teacher influence that helps shape a child into the person they'll become.

What kind of news stories inspire people? The kind of news stories that inspire people are those that highlight the resilience and determination of everyday individuals. We love hearing about ordinary people who have achieved extraordinary things, often in the face of incredible adversity. These stories remind us that we all have the power to make a difference, no matter who we are or where we come from. We're also inspired by stories of kindness and generosity, where people have gone out of their way to help others without expecting anything in return. These stories restore our faith in humanity and remind us that there's still good in the world. Ultimately, inspiring news stories have the power to motivate us to be better versions of ourselves and to make a positive impact on those around us.

Part 3 Key Phrases and Idioms

a detailed plan or model that serves as a guide for action
The company's business plan served as a blueprint for their success.
The architect used a blueprint to design the new building.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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