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Archived Old Topic


  1. Are you a tidy person?
  2. How do you keep things tidy?
  3. Do you think people should be tidy all the time?
  4. Are you tidier at work/school, or at home?

Sample Answers

Are you a tidy person? I'd say I'm pretty tidy, but I'm not obsessive about it. I like to keep my living space organized, so I can find things easily and focus on what I'm doing. For example, I make my bed every morning, and I put away my clothes after I've worn them. It just helps me feel more in control, you know, and it's also more relaxing to be in a tidy environment.

How do you keep things tidy? Well, I have a few habits that help me stay organized. First, I try to put things back in their place after I've used them. Like, if I'm cooking, I'll wash the dishes right away and put them away in the cabinet. I also set aside some time each week to clean and declutter my space. It's usually on the weekends, when I've got some free time. I'll go through my closet, sort out my clothes, and get rid of anything I don't need or use. It's pretty satisfying to see everything tidy and organized.

Do you think people should be tidy all the time? I think it's a good idea to be tidy most of the time, but I don't think it's realistic to expect people to be perfect all the time. I mean, life gets messy, and sometimes you just can't control it. But, I do think it's a good idea to have some habits and routines in place to keep things organized. It can really reduce stress and make life easier. Plus, it's just more pleasant to be in a tidy environment, so I think it's worth the effort.

Are you tidier at work/school, or at home? I'd say I'm probably tidier at work. I have to be, because I'm working with other people, and I don't want to be that person who's always leaving their stuff lying around. Plus, it's just more professional to be organized and tidy in a work environment. At home, I'm a bit more relaxed, but I still try to keep things organized. I mean, I'm not perfect, but I try to put things back in their place and keep clutter under control. It's just easier to unwind and relax in a tidy space.

Key Phrases and Idioms

in control
having the power to make decisions and take action
I feel more in control when my space is tidy.
She's really in control of her finances.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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