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Archived Old Topic


  1. Do you like rainy days?
  2. Does it rain much where you live?
  3. Would you like to live in a dry climate, or a rainy one?
  4. Do you often change your plans if it’s rainy weather?

Sample Answers

Do you like rainy days? Actually, I do. I think rainy days are a great excuse to stay indoors and catch up on some reading or watch a movie. Plus, the sound of the rain outside is really soothing. It's like the whole world is calming down, you know, and it's a good time to relax.

Does it rain much where you live? Well, I live in a pretty temperate climate, so we get our fair share of rain throughout the year. I'd say it rains about once or twice a week, but it's never too heavy or too light. Just a nice, gentle rain that keeps everything green and lush. I really like it.

Would you like to live in a dry climate, or a rainy one? Hmm, that's a tough one. I think I'd prefer a rainy climate, actually. I love the smell of wet earth and the way the plants look after a good rain. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of super hot weather, so I think I'd find a dry climate a bit too harsh. Give me a rainy day anytime, and I'm a happy person!

Do you often change your plans if it’s rainy weather? Yeah, I do, actually. If it's raining, I'll often postpone outdoor plans and do something indoors instead. But if it's a light drizzle, I might still go ahead with my plans, especially if they're important. I mean, a little rain never hurt anyone, right? But if it's a heavy downpour, I'll definitely reschedule. I don't want to get soaked to the bone!

Key Phrases and Idioms

catch up on
to do something that you had planned to do earlier, but did not have time for
I need to catch up on my reading.
I'm going to catch up on my sleep this weekend.
calming and comforting
The sound of the waves was soothing.
The warm bath was soothing.
soft and not harsh
The gentle breeze was nice.
The teacher had a gentle voice.
growing thickly and healthily
The garden was lush and green.
The forest was lush and dense.
to delay or put off until a later time
I had to postpone my trip due to bad weather.
We postponed the meeting until next week.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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