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Archived Old Topic


  1. Were you patient when you were young?
  2. How do you feel when others are not patient?
  3. Are you more or less patient when you’re angry?

Sample Answers

Were you patient when you were young? Honestly, I was pretty impatient when I was a kid. I mean, I always wanted things to happen right away, you know, instant gratification. But as I grew older, I realized that good things take time, and that's when I started developing my patience. For example, when I was learning to play the guitar, I used to get frustrated when I couldn't get a chord right, but my teacher told me that practice takes time and patience, and that really stuck with me.

How do you feel when others are not patient? It can be pretty frustrating, to be honest. I think it's because I've learned to value patience myself, and when others aren't patient, it can disrupt the whole dynamic. For instance, when I'm working on a team project and someone's rushing through their part, it can affect the overall quality of the work. But at the same time, I try to understand where they're coming from and communicate with them to find a solution.

Are you more or less patient when you’re angry? Definitely less patient, I'd say. When I'm angry, my emotions take over, and I tend to react impulsively. But I've been working on recognizing when I'm getting angry and taking a step back to calm down. It's not always easy, but I've found that taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten really helps me regain my composure and be more patient, even in tough situations.

Key Phrases and Idioms

Instant gratification
The desire to have something immediately, without waiting
I'm guilty of seeking instant gratification when it comes to food – I love ordering takeout!
The new smartphone app promises instant gratification with same-day delivery.
Take a step back
To pause and reflect on a situation before reacting
When I feel myself getting angry, I take a step back and count to ten before responding.
The manager took a step back to reassess the project timeline before making any changes.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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