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Archived Old Topic


  1. Do you like to smile?
  2. When do people smile at others?
  3. Do you smile when people take pictures of you?
  4. Can you recognize a fake smile?

Sample Answers

Do you like to smile? Yeah, I do like to smile, because it helps me to relax and feel more approachable to others. Plus, smiling can actually trick your brain into feeling happier, which is a pretty cool bonus.

When do people smile at others? People usually smile at others when they're trying to show friendliness or approachability, like when they meet someone new or want to make a good impression. It's a way to break the ice and create a positive atmosphere.

Do you smile when people take pictures of you? Absolutely, I do smile when people take pictures of me, because I want to look happy and relaxed in the photo. Smiling also helps me to feel more at ease in front of the camera, which makes the experience more enjoyable.

Can you recognize a fake smile? Yeah, I think so. A fake smile usually doesn't involve the eyes, so if someone's smiling but their eyes aren't crinkling at the corners, it can look a bit insincere. Plus, a fake smile might seem forced or unnatural, like they're trying too hard to look happy.

Key Phrases and Idioms

break the ice
to do or say something to relax and make people feel more comfortable in a social situation
He told a joke to break the ice at the party.
She smiled and introduced herself to break the ice with her new colleagues.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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