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Rainy Days

Archived Old Topic


  1. Does it rain much in your country? (Where? When?)
  2. Is there any part of your country where it doesn’t rain much?
  3. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?
  4. In which season does it rain most in your country?
  5. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?

Sample Answers

Does it rain much in your country? (Where? When?) Actually, it rains quite a bit in my country, especially in the north. I'm from the southern part, and we get most of our rain during the winter months. I think it's because of the ocean currents that bring in all that moisture. We usually get a lot of rain from December to February, and it can get pretty gloomy, but I kinda like it, you know, cozying up with a good book and a cup of coffee.

Is there any part of your country where it doesn’t rain much? Yeah, there's a region in the southeast that's really dry, almost desert-like. I've been there a few times, and it's crazy how little rain they get. I think it's because of the mountain range that blocks the rain clouds from reaching that area. It's a really beautiful place, though – all cacti and sand dunes. People love going there for hiking and camping.

When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown? Definitely January. It's like the whole month is just one big raincloud. I think it's because of the low-pressure systems that move in from the Pacific. It's not uncommon to get a week's worth of rain in just one day. But, you know, it's not all bad – it's a great excuse to stay indoors and catch up on some reading or watch a movie marathon.

In which season does it rain most in your country? It's gotta be winter. I mean, it's not just my hometown – the whole country gets a lot of rain during the winter months. I think it's because of the Earth's tilt, you know, the way the planet is positioned in relation to the sun. It's like the perfect storm, literally. But, hey, at least it's not too cold, so that's a plus, right?

Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown? Oh, yeah. There was this one time when I was a kid, and we had this massive storm that just dumped buckets of rain on us. I think it was a freak storm or something. The roads were flooded, and we had to evacuate our house because the river nearby was overflowing. It was pretty scary, but also kinda exciting, you know? We had to stay in a shelter for a few days, and it was like a big adventure.

Key Phrases and Idioms

cozy up
to make oneself comfortable and warm, often with a good book or a cup of coffee
I like to cozy up with a good book on a rainy day.
resembling a desert in terms of dryness and lack of vegetation
The landscape was desert-like, with nothing but sand and rocks as far as the eye could see.
low-pressure system
an area of low atmospheric pressure, often associated with rain or storms
The low-pressure system moving in from the Pacific is expected to bring heavy rain.
movie marathon
a series of movies watched one after another, often for an extended period of time
I had a movie marathon over the weekend and watched all my favorite films.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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