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Archived Old Topic


  1. Are you able to remember your dreams from the night before?
  2. Do you tell other people about your dreams?
  3. Are you interested in others’ dreams?
  4. Would you like your dreams to be real?

Sample Answers

Are you able to remember your dreams from the night before? Honestly, I'm not really a morning person, so I usually don't remember my dreams right away. But sometimes, if I wake up in the middle of the night and jot down a few notes, I can recall bits and pieces of my dreams. I think it's because I'm more of a visual person, so if I see something that sparks a memory, I can piece together what happened in my dream.

Do you tell other people about your dreams? Actually, I do share my dreams with my sister, she's really into psychology and she loves analyzing them. I think it's because she's always trying to figure out what's going on in my subconscious mind. I don't really share them with anyone else, though, 'cause I feel like they might think I'm a little weird. But my sister's always been really supportive, so I feel comfortable sharing my crazy dreams with her.

Are you interested in others’ dreams? Definitely, I think it's really fascinating to hear about what other people dream about. I mean, it's like getting a glimpse into their subconscious mind, you know? I've got a friend who's always having these super vivid dreams, and she's always telling me about them. I love hearing about the crazy scenarios she comes up with, it's like listening to a mini-movie.

Would you like your dreams to be real? Ha! I think it would be awesome if my dreams could be real, but only the good ones, of course. I mean, who wouldn't want to fly or have superpowers, right? But, at the same time, I think it would be a little scary if my nightmares came to life. I've had some pretty intense dreams before, and I don't think I'd want to relive those in real life. So, maybe just the fun dreams, please.

Key Phrases and Idioms

jot down
to quickly write down a note or idea
I jotted down the phone number on a piece of paper.
She jotted down a few ideas for her essay.
piece together
to gather information and form a complete picture
I pieced together the clues to solve the mystery.
She pieced together the fragments of her memory to recall the event.
subconscious mind
the part of the mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness
Her subconscious mind was telling her to take a break from work.
His subconscious mind was filled with anxiety about the upcoming exam.

Warning: This is an archived topic from a past exam season. It is now out of date.

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